Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Outdoor Lighting

Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Outdoor Lighting

  • Ashby Maxim

Let's face it—your outdoor lighting system isn't going to last forever. At some point in time, you'll need to consider replacing old outdoor lights, but when? Keep these signs it's time to replace your outdoor lighting in mind if you think the time may be approaching.  

Your Electricity Bill Is Too High 

If you're using an old, outdated halogen lighting system, your electricity bill will likely be higher than it needs to be. Replacing your outdoor lighting is a small change that will drop your monthly dues and save you some money. Consider using an LED retrofit light kit to upgrade your system to energy and cost-efficient LED lights. 

Noticeable Damage or Broken Parts 

One of the most obvious signs it's time for an upgrade if there is any damage to your current lights. Carefully inspect your lights for any exposed wiring or broken housing. If there is any damage, you'll want to replace your lights as soon as possible.  

The Design Is Outdated 

Home style and décor trends are constantly changing, and your landscape has likely changed too. If your lights no longer match your home's exterior, you may want to upgrade to lights with color rendering options that better fit your house's new look.  

More Light Don't Work Than Do 

If you notice your lights are dropping quickly, it's time to install a new system. There's no point in keeping an outdoor lighting system when more than half the lights aren't working; it's ineffective and ruins your curb appeal.  

How Long Has It Been?  

You should always implement some preventative maintenance measures to increase your lights' longevity, such as cleaning and fixture adjustments. However, if it's been several years and your lights start to act up, they may have outlasted their lifespan.  

While proper care and switching to LEDs will extend your lighting's lifespan, there will come a time when you should replace your outdoor lights. Use these signs it's time to replace your outdoor lighting as a guide to keeping your outdoor spaces illuminated. 


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