Top Efficient Tips for Reducing Commercial Lighting Costs

Top Efficient Tips for Reducing Commercial Lighting Costs

  • ECO LED Staff
Lighting for your business, whether it's an office, warehouse, or store, is critical for aesthetic and financial reasons. Businesses are increasingly seeking ways to preserve power as a growing number of organizations rely on long hours and computer technology. They may save money on energy by using energy-saving solutions, especially when it comes to lighting. Here are some of the top efficient tips for reducing commercial lighting costs!

Switch to LED Energy-Saving Light Bulbs

Switching to LED lights, whether your building employs incandescent or fluorescent bulbs, is a terrific method for you to save money on electricity. While LEDs are more expensive, they utilize a fraction of the energy and last much longer, allowing your company to save money. LEDs are the most energy-efficient light bulbs for your business when compared to incandescent and fluorescent lights.

LED vs. Incandescent

Incandescent bulbs last for 750 hours on average, while most LEDs last around 25,000 hours. That means that every LED bulb you buy saves your company more than 33 incandescent bulbs. Then there's the cost of electricity to consider. An incandescent bulb costs $240 to light for 25,000 hours, compared to $40 for an LED bulb. Over the course of a decade, switching to LED lighting might save your company thousands of dollars.

LED vs. Fluorescent

While fluorescent bulbs are better than incandescents, they still chew into your budget more than LEDs. Fluorescent bulbs are slightly more expensive than incandescent bulbs. However, they’re still less expensive than LEDs. The lifespan and power are two areas where switching from fluorescent to LED lights save your company money. In comparison to the 25,000-hour lifetime of LEDs, most fluorescent bulbs survive roughly 8,000 hours. For every LED, that's more than three fluorescent bulbs. Furthermore, LED lights consume far less electricity than fluorescent lights, and they operate at about a 30 percent higher efficiency. While moving from fluorescent to LED lights will cost you more money upfront, the money you'll save in the long run will make it worthwhile.

Use Dimmer Switches

In most work environments, the lights don’t have to be on full brightness all the time. Bright lighting can strain the eyes. On the other hand, dimming the light improves the appearance of rooms, objects, and people. Dimmer switches are inexpensive and simple to install, usually costing between $10 and $25. When you lower the dimmer, you reduce the quantity of electricity that the bulb provides. This saves money for your company. You'll also lengthen the life of your bulbs because they use less energy.

Add Controls and Sensors

Lighting controls and sensors help businesses save money on energy by turning lights off when they aren't in use. When an employee forgets to turn off a light as they leave a conference room, the motion sensors can kick in. They can also function as a security measure outside or illuminate areas for employees who come in late at night or early in the morning. Moreover, you can install daylight controllers to alter the interior lighting settings based on the amount of daylight available.

Shut the Lights Off

Keeping the lights on at all times, even when no one is at work, can provide an extra layer of protection for your small business. When you have security cameras, security alarms, and a lock system, however, you may not need to keep the lights on. Turning off the lights, especially late at night, can help a business save money on its electric bill. Do your staff members have a habit of forgetting to turn off the lights when they leave? Many firms will post signs reminding employees to switch off lights when leaving a room or the office late at night. The previously mentioned sensors and controls can also automatically turn off the lights at the end of the workday.

What To Look for To Choose the Best LED Solution for Your Company

LED lights are significantly more affordable to operate when compared with other lighting sources. In fact, using LEDs is one of the best ways to save money on your commercial lighting costs. However, there are still some variations in quality from company to company. Here are some of the best indicators to look for in an LED product to help you save money while still getting a quality lighting fixture.

Lumens and Savings

People often measure brightness in watts for most of their lives. You may be able to estimate how much light a 40-, 60-, or 100-watt bulb will produce. However, watts merely indicate how much energy the bulb consumes. LED lights have watt ratings like other bulbs. But they can provide the same amount of light with fewer watts. For example, a 5-watt MR16 LED lamp emits enough light to replace a 50-watt MR16 halogen lamp while using 90 percent less energy. So you should compare average lumens to current light levels while choosing LED bulbs. The lighting design of an LED project should include the selection of the most energy-efficient LED lamp.

Commercial Grade Quality and Price

LED light prices have dropped significantly in recent years, and large-scale adoption is now taking place for both residential and commercial use. However, not all LED lamps are equal. One way that manufacturers have made LED lamps cheaper is by decreasing their quality. Notably, they use plastic instead of aluminum and lower-grade drivers. A low-quality LED bulb has a shorter lifespan. This may seem insignificant to some people. However, their short lifespans might overshadow the cost reductions that they provide.

Lighting Quality and Aesthetic Appeal

LED lamps used to have big fins, several diode light sources, and harsh white light distribution. Thankfully, this is no longer the case due to developments in aesthetic design and lighting quality. High-quality LED bulbs are now available that are difficult to differentiate from typical incandescent or halogen lamps. LED bulbs come in a wide range of lighting colors and lens choices to help disperse and distribute light as well. When purchasing LED lamps, look for those with a similar appearance to incandescent lamps. Examine the color temperature and choose a light color that complements your space. The Kelvin number is what you should look at. The lower its value, the warmer the light will be.

We hope you have enjoyed our article on some of the top efficient tips for reducing commercial lighting costs! If you’re looking to purchase commercial LED flood lights to upgrade your business’s lighting, you should reach out to Eco LED Mart today!

Top Efficient Tips for Reducing Commercial Lighting Costs

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